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Download pdf manual repair HONDA RINCON ATV PLOW MOUNTING KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. If you are interesting to download this automotive manual ebook pdf file, here you can go to direct download from original source at this links : 2003 Honda Rincon ATV Plow Mounting Kit Installation Instructions.pdf. We found this pdf manual book guide from google search engine from the original site at We hope this book will useful for you!
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Slide two 5/16” dia x 1-1/8” wide U-bolts (C1) over the rear frame cross tubes as shown in figure 1.
Place the plow mount (A1) under the vehicle, and slide the legs of the U-bolts through the four rear holes in the plow mount. Terminate the U-bolt legs with 5/16” dia flat washers (C3) and 5/16” dia nylock nuts (C4) as shown in figure 2.
NOTE: Do not tighten the bolt and nut completely. You will do this later in the installation.
Slide two 5/16″ dia x 1-3/8″ wide U-bolts (C2) over the large side frame tubes under the vehicle and through the plow mount (A1)
Terminate the ends of the two 5/16″ dia x 1-3/8″ wide U-bolts (C2) with 5/16” dia flat washers (C3) and 5/16” dia nylock nuts (C4) as shown in figure 4.
Tighten all the 5/16” dia nylock nuts (C4) on the plow mount (A1) to a recommended torque of 12 ft-lb (16 N-m). The completed plow mount should look like figure 5.
If not already done so, assemble the plow per the instructions that came with the plow blade kit. Attach the plow to the plow mount (A1) using the clip pins that came with the plow blade. If using an electric actuator or manual lift to raise your plow, stop here and proceed to section IV, Maintenance/Care. Winch users continue with step 7.
Attach the J-bolt bracket (A2) to the center hole in the plow crossmember using a 3/8″ dia x 1″ long bolt (D1) as shown in figure 6. The bracket should be mounted on the blade side of the crossmember with the side flanges parallel to the ground. Terminate the bolt with a 3/8” dia flat washer (D2) and 3/8” dia nylock nut (D3). Tighten the bolt and nut to a recommended torque of 20 ft-lb (28 N-m).

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