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Manual Installation 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Quick Lift Guide

Manual Installation 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Quick Lift Guide

This is the most complete book online for Manual Installation 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Quick Lift Guide  is about the specifications of a car, and how the use of safety for this car . Mitsubishi is a good Car with the best machine settings. If you want to know about Mitsubishi car you can read this ebook. This is aproper assessment PDF content you have as a owner of the car :

Verifying the measurement from Step 3, center line of bracket should be 3/8” to left of the fender bolt. You will need to view the mounting location directly from the top as shown in Figure 4A. The bracket should sit with the left edge aligned with the metal lip shown in the photo and the ball-stud pointing inward toward the engine. B. Holding bracket in place, mark the center of the right hole using a permanent felt tip marker. C. Set bracket aside. Using a center punch and a hammer, tap the center of the mark you just made (Figure 4B)…Standing on the driver’s side in the middle of the engine compartment, examine the area on the inner fender lip. Note the overhanging fender mounting bolt. The centerline of this bolt should be used to align the ball-stud mounting bracket (offset 3/8” to the left or front of the vehicle). Back of bracket up against lip. C. Place the bracket on the flat surface aligning either the left edge of the bracket with the metal shown below, or using the measurement shown to the right….Place one washer onto ball-stud shaft, then insert into hole. Ball-stud should point inward or toward the
engine with the lock nut on outside. Place the lock-nut onto the ball-stud shaft . Tighten using 1/2″ wrenches or a deep well 1/2″ socket on ball-stud and a wrench on the locking nut

Downloads here: Manual Installation 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Quick Lift Guide .PDF


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