Brownkus-Ramen foods eaten frequently by naruto, and we have a recipe that you can cooked it and can eat at home with your family
»Basic Materials
200 gr dried Ramen
250 g chicken breast fillets
»Main Ingredient
3 tablespoons cooking oil
5-6 pcs Garlic
1500 ml water
1.5 tsp pepper Fine
2 tbsp Soyu
3 tbsp Mirin
1 tsp salt
150 g shiitake mushrooms
2 stalk Spring onion
2 tsp red chilli
How to Make:
1. Boil water in a pan, put ramen. Cook 5 more minutes and dive till quite soft or as written in its packaging, remove and drain
2. Heat oil in a pan / skillet, saute garlic until fragrant and yellow, put the chicken, stirring until stiff cock meat.
3. Add water, pepper, soy sauce and mirin. Put salt and the sliced mushrooms and cook until boiling and material is hot enough.
4. Put the ramen into 4 serving bowls, pour hot chicken broth
5. Sprinkle sliced green onion and red chili powder and serve while hot