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Simple Delicious Hot Coffee Milk

Brownkus-To create a warm drink dann favors do not have to use a lot of materials and expensive. As these warm drinks you definitely can simply try it for yourself at home only with very simple materials.

500 ml of liquid milk
1 tablespoon instant coffee
40 grams of sugar
100 grams dark cooking chocolate, cut into pieces
100 grams heavy cream, whipped fluffy, refrigerate
5 pieces of cinnamon sticks for garnish

Processing Method:

    1. Boil milk and instant coffee, stirring until boiling. Add sugar. Stir well.
    2. Enter the dark cooking chocolate chunks. Stir until dissolved.
    3. Pour in the coffee cup.
    4. Spoon the whipped cream on top and serve with a garnish of cinnamon.

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